ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Expressways of Japan

Okay kiddo, have you ever driven on a really big road that has a lot of lanes and goes really fast? That's called an expressway in Japan!

An expressway is like a super special road that's made just for cars and trucks to use. They're also called "highways" because they're up high above the ground and let you travel long distances really quickly.

The Japanese expressways are extra special because they're super safe, have really good signs and markings, and go just about everywhere in the country! They even have special lanes just for fast cars and buses, so you can go even faster if you need to.

When you drive on an expressway, you have to pay a toll to use it. It's kind of like buying a ticket to use the road. But it's worth it because you get to go really fast and see lots of cool things along the way!

One thing that's really neat about Japan's expressways is that they have rest stops along the way where you can take a break, get some food, and use the restroom. Some of these rest stops even have playgrounds and other fun stuff for kids!

So that's what an expressway is, and why they're so important in Japan. They're like magic roads that let you travel far and fast, but also keep you safe and comfortable along the way. Cool, huh?