ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Expulsion of Jews from Spain

Okay kiddo, a long time ago in a place called Spain, there were many people who practiced a religion called Judaism. But some other people in power didn't like that and they made a rule that all the Jews had to leave Spain. This is called expulsion.

The king and queen of Spain at that time didn't want the Jews in their country anymore, so they told them they had to go away. Many Jews were scared and sad because they had lived in Spain for a long time and they didn't want to leave their homes and friends.

The Jews had to pack up their things and leave their homes to find new places to live. They had to travel far away to places like Portugal, Italy, and even the Ottoman Empire. It was a really hard time for them because they had to leave everything they knew behind.

This happened in 1492, which was a very long time ago, but it was an important event in history because it affected many people's lives. Even today, we can still learn about the expulsion of Jews from Spain and remember how it was a difficult time for many families.