ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Expulsion of the Jews from Spain

Okay kiddo, let me explain what happened when the Jews were expelled from Spain.

A long time ago, in the 1400s, the King and Queen of Spain were called Ferdinand and Isabella. They ruled over everyone in Spain, including the Jews who lived there.

At the time, some people in Spain didn't like the Jews. They said that they were different and were not loyal to Spain. This made the King and Queen worried that the Jews might harm their kingdom. So, they made a decision to force all the Jews in Spain to leave the country.

This is called expulsion, which means kicking people out of a place. So, many Jews were forced to leave and had to find a new place to live. They had to leave behind their homes, belongings, and even their friends and family who didn't want or couldn't leave.

It was a very sad and difficult time for the Jewish people, as they had to start a new life in a place where they didn't know anyone and weren't welcomed. But over time, they found new communities where they could start over and thrive.

It's important to remember that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness, no matter their differences. The expulsion of the Jews from Spain is a lesson that we must always strive to be inclusive and accepting of others, even if they are different from us.