ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Expulsion of the Loyalists

Okay kiddo, you know how sometimes people disagree with each other? Well, a long time ago in America, there were some people who disagreed about whether they should be loyal to Britain (a country far away) or to America (their own country). These people who wanted to be loyal to Britain were called Loyalists.

But eventually, America decided to become independent from Britain and create its own country. This made some people upset, especially the Loyalists, because they wanted America to stay part of Britain.

After the American Revolution ended, some of the people who were in charge of the new country decided they didn't want the Loyalists to stick around anymore because they thought they might cause trouble. So they expelled, or kicked out, many Loyalists from America and made them go back to Britain.

It was a sad time for many families who had to leave their homes and belongings behind, but it was also an important moment for America to establish its independence and create its own way of doing things.