ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Exterior Insulation Finishing System

Okay kiddo, do you know what insulation is? It's like a blanket that keeps a house warm when it's cold outside. Exterior insulation finishing system is like a special blanket that goes on the outside of a house. This special blanket not only keeps the house warm in the winter, but it also makes the house cooler in the summer.

This special blanket is made up of a bunch of different layers. The first layer is really important because it sticks to the outside of the house. The layer needs to be really strong so the special blanket stays put. The next layer is made of foam which is like a really squishy sponge. This layer is important because it traps air which keeps the house warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

After the foam layer comes some special mesh that helps keep everything together. And then finally there's the finish layer. The finish layer can be different colors and textures, just like paint. It goes on top of everything to make the house look pretty.

Overall, exterior insulation finishing system is really cool because it's a special blanket that keeps a house warm in the winter and cool in the summer while also making the house look pretty on the outside.