ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Extra-parochial area

Alright kiddo, let's talk about extra-parochial areas. Have you ever heard of a parish before? It's kind of like a church district that has its own set of rules and boundaries. Well, an extra-parochial area is a place that doesn't belong to any parish at all - it's like a wild card!

So, imagine that you are playing a game of catch with your friends. Each player has their own area where they can catch the ball, and they can't go outside of that area. But what if there was a player who didn't have their own area? They could catch the ball anywhere they wanted, and they wouldn't have to follow the same rules as the other players.

That's kind of what an extra-parochial area is like. It's a place that exists outside of the normal rules and boundaries of a parish. Sometimes these areas are just small pockets of land that aren't big enough to form their own parish, but other times they can be quite large. And because they don't have a specific parish to call their own, the people who live there might not have to follow the same rules as everyone else.

Of course, these days extra-parochial areas aren't quite as common as they used to be. But in the past, they were more common in rural areas and places that were too remote to be part of a parish. So if you ever come across an extra-parochial area on a map or in a history book, just remember that it's a place that doesn't follow the same rules as everyone else - kind of like that wild card player in your game of catch!