ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Extradition law in the Philippines

Extradition law in the Philippines is like playing "cops and robbers" with other countries. When someone does something bad in another country and escapes to the Philippines, the other country might ask the Philippines to catch that person and send them back to face punishment.

The Philippines has special agreements with other countries to make this happen. These agreements are like special handshakes that let the Philippines and the other country work together to find and catch the bad person.

But, the Philippines can't just send someone back to the other country without a good reason. The other country needs to prove that the person really did something bad and did it in their country.

If the other country has enough proof, the Philippines will hold a trial to decide if the person should be sent back. It's like playing a big game of "court" to see what's fair.

If the Philippines decides that the person should be sent back, the other country will come and collect them like picking up a package in the mail.

Overall, extradition law is about working together with other countries to make sure that bad people can't just run away and hide in a different country.