ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eye black

Eye black is a special type of makeup that athletes wear under their eyes to help them perform better. It looks like a black sticker or paint and is usually applied in a thick line just under the eyes.

The idea behind eye black is to reduce the glare from the sun or bright lights, which can make it hard for athletes to see properly. By wearing eye black, they can reduce the amount of light that reflects off their face and into their eyes, which can improve their vision and make it easier to focus on the game.

But why is it black? The color black absorbs more light than any other color, which makes it the best color for reducing glare. This is also why some people wear black sunglasses to help reduce the brightness of the sun.

Overall, wearing eye black can help athletes perform better by reducing glare and improving their vision. So the next time you see your favorite football or baseball player with black stripes under their eyes, you'll know why!