ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hi there! So, you know how you have a piggy bank where you save up your allowance money? Well, the government also has a way of keeping track of money that people save abroad.

FATCA, which stands for the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, is a law that the United States made to make sure that people who have bank accounts or investments in other countries pay the right amount of taxes on the money they make.

Basically, if you have a bank account in another country, that bank has to tell the U.S. government about it and how much money is in it. That way, the government can make sure that people don't try to hide their money and avoid paying taxes on it.

It's kind of like how your parents might ask you to tell them how much money you have in your piggy bank so they know how much money you have to save or spend.

It may seem kind of complicated, but it's important to make sure everyone is paying their fair share of taxes so that the government can use that money to make schools, hospitals, and roads better for everyone.