ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

FIRE movement

Fire movement is like saving money in a piggy bank but for grown-ups. Adults who follow the fire movement want to save as much money as they can so that they can stop working earlier and do what they like to do.

The fire movement encourages people to save more money by spending less on things they don't really need, like expensive clothes, trips, and fancy cars. Instead, they live a simple life, buy fewer things but of high quality, and save as much money as possible.

The idea is to be able to invest this money and make it grow over time, so that they can retire early and live off their savings. This means they don't have to work for a long time or only work part-time because they've saved enough money to cover their daily expenses.

In short, the fire movement is about living below your means, saving as much money as possible, investing it, and retiring early so you can enjoy the rest of your life.