ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let me tell you all about fmslogo. It's a computer program that helps you make cool pictures and graphics using something called "logo," which is a special computer language that you can use to create things.

Think of it like building with blocks or playing with Legos, but on a computer. You can use fmslogo to create all sorts of things, like squares, circles, and even more complicated shapes like triangles and stars.

The really neat thing about fmslogo is that you can use commands to make the computer draw pictures for you. For example, if you type in "forward 50," fmslogo will draw a line that's 50 units long. If you type in "right 90," it will turn right by 90 degrees.

Using these simple commands, you can make all sorts of things. For example, you could make a square by telling the computer to "repeat 4" (which means to do the next command four times), and then telling it to move forward and turn right at each corner.

But fmslogo isn't just for making static pictures. You can make things move around and interact with each other, like a little computer game. You could make a turtle (which is like a little character that you control) move around the screen and collect coins, for example.

Overall, fmslogo is a really fun and creative way to learn about computers and programming. You get to use your imagination and make things, and you also learn about how computers work and how to give them commands. So give it a try and see what amazing things you can create!