ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let me explain what FORCE11 is in a way you can understand.

FORCE11 is like a big club, but instead of playing games or sports, they talk about how to make science better. They want to make it easier for scientists to share their research with other people and for the public to understand what scientists are doing.

They talk about things like using computers to analyze big sets of data, making research articles easier to read, and making sure that everyone who wants to can access scientific information.

FORCE11 has a lot of smart people who work together to come up with new ideas about how to make science better. They also talk to other people who care about science, like university professors, librarians, and people who work for scientific journals.

Overall, FORCE11 is a group of people who want to make science easier to understand and share, so that everyone can benefit from new scientific discoveries.