ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Facial motion capture

Have you ever played a video game or watched an animated movie where the characters’ faces look like they’re actually moving and expressing emotion like real people do? That’s because of something called facial motion capture!

Facial motion capture is like taking a picture of all the movements your face can make when you talk, smile, or make any other expression. The special cameras can take pictures of your face from different angles really quickly, like when you move your head around or talk. Then, the computer takes all those pictures and uses them to create a 3D model of your face.

This 3D model can be put on a computer-generated character, like a video game character or animated movie character, so that they can make the same expressions as you do. They can smile, frown, or talk like you, so they look more like a real person and not just like a drawing.

Facial motion capture helps make characters look more realistic and relatable to people watching or playing the game. It’s like having a cartoon version of you that can act just like you do!