ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fairness measure

Have you ever played a game with a friend and you thought they were not playing fairly? Maybe they got to go first all the time or didn't follow the rules. That's where a fairness measure comes in!

A fairness measure is like a tool that helps us figure out if something is fair or not. It can help us check if everyone is being treated equally or if someone is getting an unfair advantage.

Think of it this way - you have a bunch of cookies and you want to share them with your friends. You could just give them out randomly, but that might not be fair. Instead, you could use a fairness measure to make sure everyone gets an equal number of cookies.

In the same way, a fairness measure helps us make sure that everyone is getting a fair share of something, like opportunities or resources. It's like a way of keeping things balanced so that no one feels left out or disadvantaged.

And that's why fairness measures are important - they help us make sure that everyone is treated fairly and has a fair chance to succeed in whatever they're doing!