ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Falconer's knot

Alright kiddo, do you know what falconry is? It's when people train birds called falcons to help them hunt for food. And when they take the bird out for a hunt, they have to put a small leather strap on its leg called a jess.

Now, to keep the jess from falling off, they tie a special knot called a falconer's knot. It's kind of like tying your shoelaces, but a little different.

First, they make a loop with the jess and put the end through the loop. Then, they make another loop with the long end of the jess, and put that loop through the first loop.

But that's not all - they also have to make sure the knot stays in place, so they twist the loops around each other a few times. It's kind of like when you twist a twist tie around a bag of chips to keep it closed.

And there you have it, the falconer's knot! It's a special knot that helps keep the jess on the falcon's leg during a hunt.