ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fall of communism in Albania

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago in Albania, there were people in charge who didn't let the regular people have much say in what happened in their country. This group of people were part of the Communist party and they wanted to control everything.

Eventually, the people started to get very unhappy with how things were going. They didn't like how the government controlled everything in their lives and wanted more freedoms and rights.

In 1991, the people of Albania had had enough and took to the streets in protest. They were tired of living under Communist rule and wanted a change. The protests turned violent and eventually, the government couldn't keep control.

The Communist party in Albania fell, and a new government was put in place that allowed the people more freedom to say what they wanted and do what they wanted. This was a big step forward for Albania as it meant the people had more say in how they lived their lives.

So, in short, the fall of communism in Albania was when the people got fed up with the government controlling everything and decided to take a stand. They protested, things got violent, and eventually, a new government was put in place that allowed the people to have more say in what happened in their country.