ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Falls of Cruachan derailment

Okay, so you know how sometimes trains go choo choo on tracks? Well, there was a train that was going on some tracks in a place called Falls of Cruachan. But then something bad happened - the train went off the tracks and crashed into some trees and stuff.

Now, you might be wondering why the train went off the tracks. Well, it's kind of like when you're playing with your toy cars on a ramp - sometimes they go too fast and fly off the ramp and crash. The train was going too fast around a turn, so it kind of flew off the tracks.

Thankfully, some people were nearby and they called for help. Some really brave people came to help and they were able to get all the people who were on the train out safely. And even though the train was all messed up, it wasn't too bad because nobody got hurt too badly.