ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

False sharing

Okay, so imagine you have a toy box with a bunch of different toys inside. You and your friend want to play with different toys at the same time, so you each pick one out and start playing.

Now let's say that you and your friend both want to play with the same toy, like a toy car. But instead of taking turns, you both try to play with it at the same time. You end up bumping into each other and getting frustrated because you can't both play with the same toy at the same time.

This is kind of like what happens with false sharing in computer programming. When different parts of a computer program need to access the same memory, they can end up getting in each other's way and slowing things down. This can happen even if they're not actually trying to change the same memory - just the act of accessing it can cause problems.

So to avoid false sharing, programmers need to be careful about how they use and access memory in their programs. Just like you and your friend needed to take turns playing with the toy car, different parts of a program need to take turns accessing the same memory so they don't get in each other's way.