ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Family tree of Chinese monarchs (late)

Hello kiddo, imagine yourself living in a castle a long, long time ago in China. The castle is where the king and queen live with their family called the royal family. Now the king and queen are the rulers of China and their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are princes and princesses who might rule the kingdom after them.

The family tree of the Chinese monarchs is like a really big tree with many branches. Imagine a small tree before your eyes. The trunk is the king or queen who started ruling the land of China. From the trunk of this tree, there are many branches that split into smaller branches or twigs. These twigs represent the king's sons, daughters, grandsons or granddaughters.

Each twig can grow their own branches and twigs, just like how each prince or princess could marry their spouse and have their own children who are also part of the royal family.

Now, as the Chinese kingdom grew in time, there were different dynasties or groups of kings that held power. Each dynasty had many kings and queens from the same family, kind of like different groups of branches on the same tree. The family tree of the Chinese monarchs shows us the lineage of each dynasty, all the way down to the very last king or queen.

So, in short, family trees show us the relationships between people, and the Chinese monarchs' family tree tells us all about the kings and queens of China, their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.