ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Family tree of the Norse gods

Imagine a big family...but not like your family. This family is full of mythical characters, who people used to believe in a long, long time ago. This is the family tree of the Norse gods!

At the top of our family tree, we have a god named Ymir. He was the first living creature in the world, but he wasn't really a god. He was the father of giants, and he was killed by Odin and his brothers.

Odin was the most powerful and important god in Norse mythology. He had two brothers, Vili and Ve, and together they killed Ymir and used his body to create the world we know.

Odin had a wife named Frigg, and together they had a son named Balder. Balder was the god of light and beauty, and he was very beloved by everyone. However, he was killed by his brother Hod.

Odin had another son, named Thor. Thor was the god of thunder and lightning, and he was very strong. He was married to a goddess named Sif.

Odin also had a daughter named Hel. Hel was the goddess of death, and she ruled over the underworld.

There were many other gods and goddesses in this family too! There was Freya, the goddess of love and fertility, and Loki, the god of mischief and trickery. There were also many other gods and goddesses who had specific powers and duties.

That's a quick beginner's guide to the family tree of Norse mythology! It's a big family with lots of interesting characters, and there are many myths and stories about them.