ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Far-right subcultures

Far-right subcultures are groups of people who share extreme right-wing views on social, political, and economic issues. They believe in a strict hierarchy of race, gender, and culture, where certain groups are seen as superior and others as inferior.

Imagine you're in a playground with your friends, and you're all playing different games. But suddenly, a group of kids arrive who only want to play one game, and they don't let anyone else join in. These kids also think that some of the players are better than others, based on things like their skin color or religion.

Far-right subcultures are a bit like that group of kids. They only want their own beliefs and ideas to be heard and don't allow others to join in or have a different opinion. They think that some people are better than others for things they can't change – like their race or nationality – and treat those people unfairly.

Some far-right subcultures focus on things like preserving "traditional" values or opposing immigration. Others may believe in conspiracy theories or violent extremism. It's important to remember that these views are not only hurtful but can also be dangerous. It's always best to treat everyone with kindness and respect, no matter who they are or where they come from.