ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Farida Afridi

Farida Afridi was a very kind lady who lived in Pakistan. She wanted to help girls and women go to school and get an education. She knew that education was very important for girls because it would help them have better lives when they grew up. So, she started a school just for girls! She named it the Kohat Institute of Medical Sciences.

Farida worked very hard to make sure that the girls who went to her school had everything they needed to succeed. She made sure they had a safe place to study, good teachers to teach them, books and pencils to write with, and all the other things that make learning fun and exciting.

But sadly, some people in Pakistan did not like what Farida was doing. They didn't want girls and women to have an education because they thought it was not important. They even threatened to hurt and kill Farida because of what she was doing.

Despite all the danger, Farida kept working hard to help the girls in her school. She was brave and kind, and never gave up on her dream of giving girls a chance to learn and grow.

Tragically, one day, some bad people went into Farida's office and shot her. She passed away and left behind a lot of sadness and grief. However, Farida's legacy continued to live on, and many people were inspired by her bravery and compassion. She is remembered today as a hero who sacrificed her life for girls' education.