ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Farmer Mac

Farmer Mac is a special organization that helps farmers get the money they need to buy things like land, equipment and seeds. It's like a bank for farmers.

Sometimes, regular banks might not want to lend money to farmers, because farming can be a risky business. But Farmer Mac helps by guaranteeing loans to farmers, meaning they promise to pay the money back if the farmer can't.

So let's say a farmer wants to buy some land to grow crops. They could go to a regular bank and ask for a loan, but the bank might say no because they think there's a big risk the farmer won't be able to pay the loan back. That's where Farmer Mac comes in. They can guarantee that loan for the farmer, making it more likely that the bank will say yes.

This helps farmers because they can get the money they need to invest in their farms and keep their businesses going. And it can be good for the rest of us too, because it means we have a stable supply of food grown by our hardworking farmers.