ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fashion law

Fashion law is a set of rules that helps people who make or sell clothes, shoes, and accessories to follow the legal requirements for creating, marketing, and buying fashion. Just like there are rules to follow when you play a game, there are rules in the world of fashion that everyone has to follow.

For example, people who create clothes have to follow the copyright laws, which means they can't copy someone else's design and claim it as their own. They also have to make sure the clothes they make are safe to wear and won't hurt anyone.

People who sell clothes have to follow advertising rules to make sure they're not making false claims about their products. They also have to make sure the clothes they're selling are made ethically, meaning they're not made by people who work in terrible conditions or are paid very little.

And people who buy clothes have to make sure they're buying from reputable companies who follow these rules. They can also return or exchange clothes if they're not happy with them or if they don't fit properly.

In short, fashion law is the set of rules that makes sure everyone in the fashion world is playing fairly and responsibly.