ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey there little one!

Fautasi is a word that comes from the Samoan language, which is spoken by people who live on an island in the Pacific Ocean called Samoa. Now, imagine a really big boat that can fit a lot of people. That's what a fautasi is!

Just like how we have races with cars or bikes, people from Samoa have races with these big boats called fautasis. Lots of people get on the fautasi and row it, which means they use paddles to move the boat through the water. It's a bit like a team sport because everyone has to work together to make the boat go fast.

Fautasi races are super important in Samoa because they help people celebrate their culture and history. It's really exciting to watch, especially when the boats go really fast and everyone is cheering and shouting.

So, that's what fautasi is, a big boat that people row in races in Samoa. Hope that helps you understand, little one!