ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Feather meal

Feathers are the things that make birds fly! But sometimes, when people eat chickens or other birds, they don't eat the feathers too. The feathers can't be eaten because they are not tasty or healthy for people. So, what do we do with all the feathers?

That's where feather meal comes in. Feather meal is made from feathers that have been cleaned and ground up. It's kind of like making chicken soup - you take the parts that can't be eaten and turn them into something useful.

But why do we even need feather meal? Well, plants need food just like people and animals do. One thing plants need is a lot of protein. Feather meal is a great source of protein that plants can use to grow big and strong.

When we sprinkle feather meal on plants, it helps them grow faster and healthier. It's like giving plants a yummy, nutritious snack. And the best part is, we are not wasting anything from the chickens or birds we eat. Everything is being put to good use!