ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Federated database system

Imagine you have a lot of different toy boxes, each with a different kind of toy inside - one box with cars, one with dolls, one with blocks, and so on. Now imagine you want to play with all these toys at once, but you're too little to carry all the toy boxes at the same time.

A federated database system is like having your toys spread out across all these boxes, but with a magic power that allows you to play with all the toys at the same time, without having to physically move them all to one place.

In a federated database system, there are different "boxes" or databases, each with its own set of data or information. But, there is a special tool that connects all these databases together, making them work together as if they were just one big database.

This tool acts as a "bridge" that allows you to search and retrieve information from all of the different databases at the same time. It's like being able to peek inside all your toy boxes without having to take them all out and spread them on the floor.

This system is used by big companies, government agencies, and other organizations that have a lot of information stored in different places. The federated database system helps to streamline the process of finding and accessing that information, making it easier, faster, and more convenient to use.