ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Federazione Anarchica Italiana

So, imagine you and your friends are trying to decide where to go for pizza. Each of you likes different toppings, but you want to make sure everyone gets a say in which kind of pizza you all order.

The Federazione Anarchica Italiana works kind of like that, but instead of pizza toppings, they are a group of people who all want to be in charge of their own lives and not have one person or government tell them what to do.

They believe that people should all have equal say in making decisions that affect them and their communities, and that there shouldn't be any one person or group in charge.

So, just like your group of friends came together to make a decision that everyone was happy with, the Federazione Anarchica Italiana works together to make sure everyone has a say and no one is left out.