ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Feminist sociology

Feminist sociology is all about studying the relationships between men and women in society. Now, society is like a big group of people who live and work together. In this society, men and women behave and think differently based on their gender. Gender is like being a boy or a girl.

Feminist sociology studies how these gender differences affect our lives, our jobs, and our relationships. For instance, it's like how some people think that boys are good at sports and girls are good at dancing. This is called gender stereotyping. Feminist sociology studies how these stereotypes can affect how we see men and women, and how we treat them differently.

It also looks at how women have been treated throughout history, and how they have fought for their rights. Women are an important part of society, and feminist sociology studies how we can make sure they are treated fairly and equally to men.

So basically, feminist sociology studies how gender affects our society and how we can make sure that men and women are treated fairly and equally.