ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Feodor Vassilyev

Feodor Vassilyev was like a mommy and daddy goat! He was alive a long time ago, even before our great-great grandparents were born.

Feodor was a man who lived in Russia and he had a wife named Valentina. They had a special power to make babies and had 22 children together! That's like having a class that is full of kids, except all of them are your brothers and sisters!

But, that's not all! Feodor and Valentina were very good at making babies that they kept having more and more! They had two twins, three sets of triplets, and even four sets of quadruplets which means four babies were born at the same time. Wow!

In total, Feodor and Valentina had 64 babies! That's like having your own mini village of brothers and sisters! People back then were amazed at how many babies Feodor and Valentina had because it was very rare to have that many children.

Feodor and Valentina are no longer alive, and their children are also not alive anymore, but their story is still remembered today because they were a special family that had many babies.