ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ferus Gallery

Ferus Gallery was a place where people can go to see cool pictures that artists made. It was like a big room with lots of walls where the pictures could hang.

In the olden days, lots of people didn't think these pictures were very good, but some people really liked them. They said that the artists who made them were really special and that their pictures were like nothing anyone had ever seen before.

The Ferus Gallery was one of the first places in California where these special artists could show their pictures to lots of people. It was started by two men named Walter Hopps and Ed Kienholz. They made the gallery because they believed that these special artists deserved a chance to show their pictures even if others thought they were weird.

The Ferus Gallery became really important and lots of people started to like the pictures that were shown there. It helped make California a place that wanted to be different and cool. People still talk about the Ferus Gallery today because it was such an important place in the history of art.