ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fiber crop

A fiber crop is a type of plant that is grown specifically for the purpose of making things like clothes or paper. These plants have long, strong fibers in their stalks that can be spun into thread or woven into fabric.

One popular fiber crop is cotton, which is used to make soft and comfortable clothing. Other fiber crops include flax, which is used to make linen fabric, and hemp, which is used to make sturdy ropes and bags.

Growing fiber crops requires a lot of space and sunlight, and the plants need to be watered regularly. Once the plants are fully grown, their stalks are harvested and the fibers are separated from the rest of the plant material.

After the fibers have been extracted, they can be processed further to create different types of materials. For example, cotton fibers might be turned into thread, which can then be woven into a shirt or a pair of pants.

In short, fiber crops are plants that are grown specifically for their strong and versatile fibers, which can be used to create a variety of different products.