ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey there kiddo! Do you know what fiction means? Well, it's a type of story that is not true. It's like telling a really cool make-believe story, just like when we play pretend games. But, instead of acting it out, we are reading it or listening to it.

Now, let's talk about how we make fiction stories. First, we need someone to create the story: the author. The author imagines a character or an adventure in their head, and then writes it down on a piece of paper or a computer.

The story can be about anything the author wants, like magical creatures, spaceships, or even talking animals. These characters have personalities and go on adventures or quests, and often face challenges they must overcome.

Now, when you pick up a fiction book or watch a movie, you get to go on the adventure too! You get to meet the characters and see what they see in your head. You can feel what they feel, laugh when they laugh, and maybe cry when they cry too.

Fiction stories can also teach us lessons such as the importance of bravery, honesty or kindness. They also spark our imagination, making us dream of what could be possible.

So, next time you pick up a book or watch a movie, remember that you are entering a make-believe world. And just like when we play pretend, let your mind explore and enjoy the adventure!