ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fictional planets of the Solar System

Okay kiddo, so we live on a planet called Earth, but did you know there are a lot of other planets in our solar system too? Some people like to make up new planets that aren't real, but they're still really cool to learn about.

Let's start with Mercury. It's the smallest planet in our solar system and is really close to the sun, so it's super hot! But on a fictional version of Mercury, people might live in underground cities to stay away from the scorching heat.

Next up is Venus. It's the hottest planet in our solar system because it has really thick clouds that trap in heat. On a fictional version of Venus, people might have to wear special suits with air conditioning to survive.

Mars is called the "Red Planet" because it looks red in the sky. It's also known for having huge dust storms. On a fictional version of Mars, there might be cities built in craters or underground to protect from the storms.

Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system and has a lot of moons. On a fictional version of Jupiter, there might be giant floating cities in the atmosphere that people live on.

Saturn is famous for its big, beautiful rings made of ice and rock. On a fictional version of Saturn, there might be space stations built near the rings where people study them up close.

Uranus is another gas planet that spins on its side, so it has extreme seasons. On a fictional version of Uranus, there might be areas where it's always dark or always light, depending on the season.

Lastly, Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun and has really fast winds. On a fictional version of Neptune, people might live in giant underwater cities to explore the planet's oceans.

So, kiddo, those are some imaginary versions of the planets in our solar system. It's fun to imagine what it would be like to visit them and explore all the different environments!