ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Field music (military)

Field music is a type of music that is played in the military. It is used to communicate important messages and signals to soldiers during battles or other important military events.

Field music is usually played by a group of musicians who are trained to play specific instruments, such as drums, bugles, and trumpets. Each instrument has a specific sound and purpose when it is played, and soldiers are trained to recognize and understand each sound and its meaning.

For example, if a soldier hears the sound of a bugle, they know that it is a signal to begin marching or to start a specific military maneuver. If they hear the sound of a drum, it may mean that it is time to gather together or to prepare for an attack.

Field music is very important in the military because it allows soldiers to communicate without using words, which can be difficult to hear or understand in a noisy and chaotic battlefield. It helps to keep everyone organized and working together towards a common goal.