ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Field ration

Field ration is food that soldiers eat when they are far away from their usual kitchens and need to be able to carry their food with them. It's like a special kind of special food just for soldiers!

Field rations are usually made up of different kinds of food that are easy to store and easy to eat. They come in packages that can be opened quickly and eaten right away. Sometimes the rations have things like crackers or bread, canned meat or fish, and even little packets of things like salt, pepper, and sugar to make the food taste better.

Field rations are made to last a really long time without going bad or spoiling, so soldiers can have the food they need to stay strong and healthy even when they're far away from home for a long time. They're made to be lightweight and easy to carry, so they don't weigh down the soldiers too much when they're on the move. That's why they're a really important part of a soldier's equipment!