ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fifth generation computer

Okay kiddo, imagine you have different kinds of toys to play with. The first toy you had was simple, like a wooden ball. Then you played with more complicated toys like a puzzle or a Lego set. And now you have a really advanced video game console that can do so many things!

Similarly, computers have also gone through different stages of development. We are currently in the fifth stage of computer development which is also known as the Fifth Generation Computer.

Just like how you upgrade from a wooden ball to a video game console, computer technology has also come a long way. A fifth-generation computer is much more advanced than the earlier versions. It is different from other computers because it can "understand" and respond to human language, and can "reason" like a human being!

Imagine playing a game of '20 questions' with your computer, but instead of guessing an animal, you're asking it to help solve a problem. The computer can answer you back in human-like conversation, and even help you find a solution to your problem.

These computers are also designed to do things on their own, without human intervention. For example, they can learn from the data that they are given, analyze it, and make decisions based on that data. This is called "artificial intelligence," and it's what makes these computers so smart.

In summary, a Fifth Generation Computer is a really advanced type of computer that can understand and respond to human language, reason like a human, and make decisions based on data without human intervention.