ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fifty Bibles of Constantine

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of someone called Constantine? He was a very important person a long long time ago. He was a king or an emperor, and he had a lot of power. One day, he decided that he wanted to gather all the important religious books that people believed in, and give them all to his kingdom.

One of the most important religious books at the time was the Bible, which is a really big book made up of many smaller books. There were a lot of different Bibles at that time, and some people believed in one version while others believed in another.

So, Constantine asked a bunch of wise people to gather up all the Bibles they could find and put them together in one big book. They collected 50 different Bibles and put them all in one book. That's why it's called the "Fifty Bibles of Constantine".

Now, lots of people had the same Bible and could have the same beliefs because they were all reading the same thing. This helped to unite the people in Constantine's kingdom and they were able to worship together and understand each other better.

It was a very important event in history, and some people still study the Fifty Bibles of Constantine today to learn about what people believed a long time ago.