ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

File sharing timeline

File sharing is the process of sending and receiving digital information, like photos and documents, from one computer (or device) to another. When you share a file, it goes through a timeline, or steps, until it reaches the other person or device you want it to go to.

The first step in the timeline is sending the file. You can do this by clicking a button or using a program that lets you share the file. Your computer then packages the file so it can travel over the internet or through a network.

The second step is sending the file to its destination. Your computer will use the internet or a network to upload the file to the other person or device, so it can receive it.

The third step is the other person or device receiving the file. Once the file arrives at its destination, the other person or device is able to open and use it.

The fourth step is the file being opened and used by the other person or device. The last step is the file being saved by the other person or device.

That's the file sharing timeline!