Film cement is like glue for movies!
When we watch a movie, it’s made up of a bunch of tiny photos that are shown to us really fast (like flipping through a book really quickly!). These photos are called frames or celluloid.
But in order to make a movie, we need to stick all these frames together in the right order so that they make sense and tell a story. That’s where film cement comes in!
Film cement is a special kind of glue that film editors use to stick the frames together. They carefully apply tiny drops of this glue onto the edges of each frame and then press them together to create a seamless film.
It’s important to use film cement that doesn’t dry out or become brittle over time because the film needs to stay together for a really long time.
So, in summary, film cement helps make movies by sticking the frames together in the right order to tell a story – just like how we stick together puzzle pieces to create a picture!