ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Finnish language

Alright kiddo, let's talk about the Finnish language!

Finnish is a language that people in Finland speak. It's also spoken in some parts of Sweden, Norway, Russia, and Estonia.

Now, Finnish is a very different language compared to English. It has a different alphabet, different words, and even different sentence structures. For example, in Finnish, the verb usually comes last in a sentence, unlike in English where it comes in the middle.

Finnish also has a lot of cases. A case is like a puzzle piece that shows how each word fits into a sentence. There are fourteen cases in Finnish, which can make it quite tricky to learn.

But, the good news is that Finnish is very consistent. Once you know the rules, you can pretty much apply them to any word. And, Finnish is also phonetic, which means that words are pronounced how they are spelled.

So, if you want to learn Finnish, you'll need to practice a lot and be patient, but it can be very rewarding! Kiitos (that means "thank you" in Finnish)!