ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fire boat

A fire boat is like a big, special boat that helps put out fires on the water. It's kind of like a firefighter, but for boats and other water-related stuff.

So, let's say there is a big fire on a boat, or maybe something is on fire in the water – like a big oil spill. A regular firefighter can't really help with that, because they can't really get close enough to the fire on a boat without putting themselves in danger. That's where the fire boat comes in!

The fire boat is designed specifically to be able to get close to fires in the water. It has big pumps and hoses that shoot water towards the fire. The water helps put out the flames and cool down whatever is on fire. It's kind of like using a hose to water plants, except instead of plants, it's a big, scary fire.

Fire boats also have special equipment to help them navigate in the water – like big motors and propellers, and sometimes even special navigation systems to help them find their way in the dark or in bad weather. They might also have special lights or sirens to help them get to the fire quickly, like an ambulance or police car.

Overall, fire boats are an important part of keeping people safe on the water. They help put out dangerous fires, and they make sure that everyone stays as safe as possible.