ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

First Saturdays Devotion

First Saturdays Devotion is a way of showing love and honor to the Virgin Mary, who is Jesus' mother. It started in the early 20th century when Mary appeared to a lady named Lucia in Portugal and asked her to spread this devotion to help people love her more and remind them to follow Jesus.

To do the First Saturdays Devotion, you need to go to church on five consecutive first Saturdays of the month and do the following things:

1. Confession: You need to tell a priest your sins and say sorry for them. This is so you can have a fresh start and be in a good relationship with God.

2. Holy Communion: You need to receive Holy Communion, which means you get a little piece of bread that represents Jesus' body and a sip of wine that represents Jesus' blood. This helps you feel close to Jesus and reminds you of his love for you.

3. Rosary: You need to say a special prayer called the Rosary. It's like a necklace made out of beads, and you say a prayer for each bead. You say certain prayers for each big bead and for each one of the little beads, and each prayer reminds you of something important about Jesus and Mary.

4. Spend time with Mary: You need to spend 15 minutes with Mary. This means you can pray to her or talk to her like you're talking to a friend. This helps you feel closer to her and helps you remember that she loves you like her own child.

Doing the First Saturdays Devotion helps you show your love for Mary and Jesus, and it helps you grow in your faith. It's like going on a date with your best friend, except your best friend is Mary and you're doing things that remind you of Jesus.