ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

First minister

Imagine your school has a lot of students and you need someone to help make important decisions, like what games you'll play at recess or what snacks will be served at lunch. The first minister is like the person in charge of making these decisions for the whole school!

In real life, the first minister is the leader of a government in a country, such as the United Kingdom, Scotland, or Canada. They are chosen by the people through an election and are responsible for making decisions that affect everyone who lives in the country.

The first minister works with other people in the government, like members of parliament, to make sure their decisions are good for everyone. They also represent their country on the world stage, meeting with other leaders from different countries to talk about important issues like trade and security.

Just like how your school has rules that everyone has to follow, the first minister helps make rules for their country that everyone has to follow too. They make sure their country is a safe and happy place for everyone to live.