ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Five elements (Chinese)

In Chinese culture, there are five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Think of them as five different types of building blocks that make up everything around us, like a big Lego toy set.

Wood represents things that are growing and alive, like trees, plants and even people. Fire represents things that are hot, like the sun, flames and the heat on a summer day. Earth represents things that are stable and grounded, like the dirt under our feet and the rocks we find outside.

Metal represents things that are strong and durable, like our toys made of metal or the cars we drive. Water represents things that are fluid and movable, like the water in a river, the rain that falls from the sky or the bubbles in a bathtub.

Each of the five elements can have a different influence on people and their lives. For example, wood is thought to represent growth, creativity and flexibility, while fire represents passion, enthusiasm and energy. Understanding these elements can help us understand ourselves, the world around us and how to live in harmony with nature.