ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Five-star rank

Imagine a game where you can become a very important character, like a king or a queen. You start off as a noob, but you can gain certain accomplishments that make you more and more important. In real life, some people work in very important jobs like being a general in the military. The five-star rank is like being the king or queen of the military.

When you hear the term five-star rank, it refers to the highest rank in the United States military. It's a really big deal and not many people get to be five-star generals. To become a five-star general, a person has to show they are really, really good at leading people in the military and have done amazing things for their country.

The five-star rank is special because only a few people have ever held this rank in the history of the United States. It's a symbol of great respect and honor. People who become five-star generals are remembered for the amazing things they did for the military and for their country.