ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Flag throwing

Flag throwing is a form of performance art that involves using a flag to create beautiful shapes and patterns in the air. It's like magic, but with a piece of fabric!

To do flag throwing, you need a long and thin piece of fabric, like a flag or a scarf. You hold one end of the fabric with one hand and then you wave it around with big movements using your other hand. You can spin it in the air, twist it, and fold it to make different shapes.

People use different techniques to throw the flag, like spinning it around their body or throwing it up high in the air and catching it again. It takes a lot of practice and skill to do it well, but it's also a lot of fun!

Flag throwing can be done alone or in a group, and it's often performed as part of a parade or a show. The colors and patterns on the flag can be used to represent different things, like a country or a cause.

Overall, flag throwing is a beautiful and fun way to express yourself and create something amazing with just a flag and your own creativity!