ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Flight test instrumentation

Imagine you are on an airplane with your dad and he wants to know how well the airplane is flying. So, he uses special tools and equipment to measure things like the airplane's speed, altitude, and direction. This is what we call flight test instrumentation.

Flight test instrumentation is like a doctor's check-up for an airplane. Just like a doctor uses tools like a thermometer, stethoscope, and blood pressure cuff to check our health, flight test engineers use special devices to monitor the airplane's health.

These tools are often placed inside or on the surface of the airplane, and they collect data as the airplane flies. The data is then stored, processed and analyzed by flight test engineers to see if everything is working correctly or if there are any problems that need to be fixed.

For example, a device called a cockpit voice recorder records everything the pilot says and hears during flight. This helps flight test engineers understand how the pilot is interacting with different systems in the airplane.

Another tool is a flight data recorder, also called the "black box." This device collects data on things like the airplane's altitude, speed, and heading, as well as the positions of the flight control surfaces (like the flaps and rudder). This information can be used to understand how the airplane is flying and to investigate any accidents or incidents that may occur.

Overall, flight test instrumentation is important because it helps ensure that airplanes are safe and reliable. It's like giving the airplane a health check-up to make sure it's in good shape before it takes to the skies.