ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Flood Mythology of China

Well kiddo, a long, long time ago in China, there was a story about a great flood that covered the whole world. It was said that there was a giant monster named Gong Gong who lived in the water and he was very angry. He went to the highest mountain in China and tried to knock it down with his head. The mountain was called Kunlun, and it was very important because it held up the sky.

Gong Gong was so strong that when he bumped into the mountain, he made a big hole in it. This caused the sky to tilt, and the earth shook so much that the flood came pouring down. The water was so deep and so strong that it covered everything, even the tallest mountains.

People were scared and suffered a lot because of the flood. They cried out to the gods and begged for help. The god Emperor Yao was very wise and he heard their cries. He sent a clever man named Gun to fix the mountain and stop the flood.

Gun was very brave and he used his magic axe to cut off his own legs and fill the hole in the mountain with them. This made the mountain stand up straight again, and the hellish water stopped flowing.

The people were very grateful to Gun and they praised him for his bravery. This story is called the flood mythology of China, and it teaches us that even when things seem impossible, we can overcome them with courage and determination.