ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Florentine Biscuit

A Florentine biscuit is a type of cookie that is made from a mixture of nuts, dried fruit, and sugar that has been melted together and then folded into a thin, crispy cookie.

Here's how it works: First, someone has to gather all the ingredients they want to use in their biscuit, which can include things like almonds, raisins, dried cranberries, and sunflower seeds. Then, they melt some sugar and butter together in a pot until it turns into a syrupy liquid.

Next, they mix the nuts and fruit into the syrup, creating a sticky mixture called the florentine batter. The batter is spooned onto a baking sheet in little rounds, and baked in the oven until they're golden-brown and crispy.

When they're finished, the Florentine biscuits have a sweet, crunchy texture and a rich, nutty flavor. They're perfect with a cup of coffee or tea, as an after-school snack, or as a treat to share with friends and family.

So, to sum it up: a Florentine biscuit is a yummy cookie made from melted sugar, nuts, and dried fruit, that gets baked into a crispy, tasty treat that everyone loves.